The sailors of the Nefelgar ventured far into the distant West Sea and found the most precious ore on earth – the long-searched-for legendary nurit. Unfortunately, this brought a curse upon them...

Chased by an ancient dark entity from the underworld, they soon find themselves drawn into a terrifying nightmare. Their chronicler and hunter Enidor fails in his lonely quest for a powerful weapon against evil creatures – and ends up on the verge of despair.

Meanwhile, in the forecastle, a mysterious and bloodcurdling scene takes place that might bring doom to all of the sailors…

What is about to happen aboard this ship will set in motion a sequence of events that will impact the characters and gradually steer their lives toward what they have been fleeing and defending themselves against. This will draw them into a monumental battle—a duel to the death. It all begins with a single event…

If you are ready, my dear reader—let’s embark! If not—beware; this is a journey into the depths of your very being, an expedition beyond the reach of our sight. Remember, your task will be to peer into the depths of what seems unknowable, yet is not! I will strive to introduce you to another world through words—the world that surrounds you every day…

“The author really excels in creating a dark and foreboding atmosphere, and as a reader, you find yourself completely immersed in a setting filled to the brim with tension and dread. But still, the ending leaves you with a sense of hope and validates the power of redemption. The world-building is fantastic, and as far as the characters go, Enidor and Vedron were my favorites of the bunch. If you’re a fan of fantasy stories that feel like mythological tales, this will be right up your alley!” —Readers’ Favorite



The Emperial Metropolis is the arena of a dangerous game: teenage actors are used as toys in movies in which everything happens for real.

For Max, this means living in a trap. Every day may bring the worst. Once he is chosen to play the leading role in an experimental post-apocalyptic show, his life takes an unexpected turn. It is not a lucky turn, however. The new production will be filmed in the outer mutant-infested wilderness and transmitted in real time on TV. What is worse, Max’s girlfriend Lara will play a role in the series as well …

About the author

I’m a huge fan of the fantasy genre. I love worldbuilding and storytelling. I also love sci-fi, dystopian and post-apocalyptic survival stories...