Born in Poland, Adam Wodyk is a science fiction and fantasy addict. He has always been interested in writing and creating fictional worlds as literature was always his first and primary passion. His favorite author is C.S. Lewis. That Hideous Strength by Lewis was one of the books that ignited Adam Wodyk’s desire to write a sci-fi story.
The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia and dystopian stories such as The Hunger Games also had a huge impact on his writing. In 2020 he completed his first book in the dystopian genre: The Dystopia Game, set in the futuristic world of the Seven Metropolises. Two other works – epic fantasy novels – the alternative versions of the same story, completed a few years ago, are waiting to be edited and translated. Adam Wodyk is also fascinated by movies and screenwriting. In his free time, he works on developing his novels and ideas and turning them into TV or web series projects.
Contact: adamwodykwrites@gmail.com